Losey, J. E. and Mace, V.
Economic value of ecosystem services provided by insects
Irene Piccini1, Fabrizio Arnieri1, Enrico Caprio, Beatrice Nervo, Simone Pelissetti, Claudia Palestrini, Tomas Roslin, Antonio Rolando
Greenhouse gas emissions from dung pats vary with dung beetle species and with assemblage composition
Beatrice Nervo, Claudia Tocco, Enrico Caprio, Claudia Palestrini, Antonio Rolando
The Effects of Body Mass on Dung Removal Efficiency in Dung Beetles
G.F. Bornemissza
The Australian dung beetle project 1965–75.
E. Nichols, S. Spector, Louzada, T. Larsen, S. Amezquita, M.E. Favila
Ecological functions and ecosystem services provided.pdf
J. F. Allen, P. St Clair Baker, I. R. Dadour
BIOSCAN: Entomology in Schools
Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
​Prepared by Jennie Coldham Granite Borders Landcare Committee
Dung beetles and Internal Parasites of Sheep (MLA)
Bernard Doube and Mark Dale
Reconstructing vineyard soils with dung beetles
​Australian Museum
Dung Beetles
Dung Beetle Innovations
Dung Beetles in New Zealand
Dung Beetle Friendly Management Practices
Hea Son Bang, Joon-Ho Lee, Oh Seok Kwon, Young Eun Na, Yong Seon Jang, Won Ho Kim
Effects of paracoprid dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on the growth of pasture herbage and on the underlying soil
Penny Edwards (CSIRO)
Section 2 Introduced Dung Beetles Established in Australia
Dept Primary Industries and Regional Development
Control of Bush Flies by Dung Beetles
Bernard Doube
The pasture growth and environmental benefits of dung beetles to southern cattle industry (MLA)
Jane Wright, Patrick Gleeson, Freya Robinson
Importation of 2 winter-spring active dung beetles for southern Australia
E. Nichols, S. Spector, J. Louzad, T. Larsen, S. Amezquit, M.E. Favil
Ecological functions and ecosystem services provided by Scarabaeinae dung beetles
Dung beetles, biochar and improved water quality and pasture growth: interim report
Irene Piccini, Fabrizio Arnieri, Enrico Caprio, Beatrice Nervo, Simone Pelissetti, Claudia Palestrini, Tomas Roslin, Antonio Rolando
Upper Gwydir Landcare Association
Dung Beetle Friendly Farms
Jill Griffiths
Getting Dung Beetles to Work for You
TJ Ridsdill-Smith, GP Hall, TA Weir
A Field Guide to Dung Beetles in SW Pasture
GF Bornemissza
The Australian Dung Beetle Project 1965 - 1975
Scott N. Johnson, Goran Lopaticki, Kirk Barnett, Sarah L. Facey, Jeff R. Powell and Susan E. Hartley
An insect ecosystem engineer alleviates drought stress in plants without increasing plant susceptibility to an above-ground herbivore
J F Allen, I R Dadour
Western Australian Dung Beetle Project
R. Wall and S. Beynon
Area-wide impact of macrocyclic lactone parasiticides in cattle dung
Carmen T. Jacobs, Clarke H. Scholtz
A review on the effect of macrocyclic lactones on dung-dwelling insects: Toxicity of macrocyclic lactones to dung beetles
Tom Davison and Malcom Caskill
The pasture growth and environmental benefits of dung beetles to the southern Australian cattle industry. Review of MLA Project.