Celebrating Dung Beetles: unsung heroes in livestock production
A monitoring, redistribution and soil improvement research trial began in 2014 with the support of eight farming enterprises from Boyup Brook to Walpole. Due to the collective efforts of these farmers and the tremendous support from Doug Pow, John Allen and Dr Bernard Doube, we have established a need to recommence beetle importation to fill the spring gap, and have played a major role in developing the new National programme.

Let’s Celebrate!
acknowledge the work of the participants
hear key findings summarised – beetle species distribution and abundance and impact on soil fertility
learn how the findings will be addressed in the new Rural R&D for Profit programme, and how you can be involved
and more…
Where: Parish Centre, Moore St, Manjimup
When: 10.30 – 2.30 Wednesday 28th February
(Registrations from 10am, lunch included)
To register (RSVP 26th February):
Contact Kathy or one of the Warren Catchments Council team on 97718180 or email: kathy.dawson@warrencc.org.au